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yoga for you

Yoga is much more than turning yourself into a pretzel!



75 CHF

  • 3 Classes of choice in both studios
  • Valid 1 month


212 CHF

  • Unlimited access to all regular yoga classes in both studios
  • Monthly payment
  • Bonus 1: 10% on Workshops
  • Bonus 2: Including Video on Demand
  • Runs 6 months
  • Can not be paused*


65 CHF

  • Unlimited access to all regular yoga classes in both studios
  • Runs 1 week


35 CHF

  • 1 class of choice in both studios
  • 60 to 90 Minutes

125 CHF

  • Unlimited access to all regular yoga classes in both studios
  • Valid 1 month

350 CHF

  • Unlimited access to all regular yoga classes in both studios for one houshold
  • Monthly payment
  • Bonus 1: 10% on Workshops
  • Bonus 2: Including Video on Demand
  • Runs 6 months
  • Can not be paused*

260 CHF

  • Unlimited access to all regular yoga classes in both studios
  • Runs 1 month

160 CHF

  • 5 classes of choice in both studios
  • 60 to 90 Minutes
  • Valid 2 months

640 CHF

  • Unlimited access to all regular yoga classes in both studios
  • Bonus 1: 10% on Workshops
  • Bonus 2: Including Video on Demand
  • Runs 3 months
  • Can be paused 1 week

305 CHF

  • 10 classes of choice in both studios
  • 60 to 90 minutes
  • Valid 4 months

1'260 CHF

  • Unlimited access to all regular yoga classes  in both studios
  • Bonus 1: 10% on Workshops
  • Bonus 2: Including Video on Demand
  • Runs 6 months
  • Can be paused 2 weeks

1'990 CHF

  • Unlimited access to all regular yoga classes in both studios
  • Bonus 1: 10% on Workshops
  • Bonus 2: Including Video on Demand
  • Runs 12 months
  • Can be paused 4 weeks in 6 months

120 CHF

  • 5 Early Bird classes in both studios
  • Valid 2 months

* Validity and Discounts

Passes and packages can be interrupted due to health issues, pregnancy or prolonged vacations for important matters. Please present a written request and a medical certificate as soon as possible respectively before hand.



Apprentices, students, seniors and unemployed persons receive a 20% discount on 10-passes and monthly passes.


Holders of the Legipass receive a 30% discount on 10-passes and on monthly passes. A valid document of identification must be presented.



1 x Privat class  for 1-2 person 150 CHF (60 minutes)


We offers private yoga sessions in english or german by appointment. During a session you will work individually with your teacher to create a practice that is specific to your needs and experience.


A private session might be especially beneficial if:


- You are a beginner and want to get started with a yoga practice that is right for you
- You are experience but want to deepen your practice or focus on a specific asana
- You are interested in building a home practice but are unsure of where to start
- You are highly stressed or live and work in a fast-paced environment and need some time for relaxation and breathwork


We are looking forward to getting to know you better as we create a practice that is just right for you! Just fill out this form: