online courses and workshops


Deepen your yoga practice and get valuable inputs for a healthy lifestyle in our online courses and workshops.



Yoga beginner-crash-course (Swiss German)

Möchtest Du gerne mit Yoga beginnen, zögerst aber noch in eine Studio Klasse zu gehen? Oder übst Du schon regelmässig, möchtest aber mehr Details zu den einzelnen Yogaübungen kennenlernen?


Dann ist dieser Yoga Anfänger Crash-Kurs genau richtig für Dich!

Melanie geht mit Dir die wichtigsten Übungen durch, gibt Dir einen ersten Einblick in die Yogaphilosophie und Atemtechniken und hilft Dir bei der Auswahl Deiner Yogamatte und -props.

Nach Abschluss des Kurses, solltest Du Dich bereit für Yogaklassen in der Gruppe fühlen. 

Sprache: Swiss German.

Rate: 30 CHF.

Immune Boosting Yoga, Nutrition & Lifestyle

Daily yoga sequences, breath work, meditation, nutrition tipps and many tricks to boost your immune system in your daily life. Just pick what makes sense to you!

Language: English.

Rate: 10 CHF.

Virtual private class

During a session you will work individually with your teacher to create a practice that is specific to your needs and experience. 

A private session might be especially beneficial if: 

  • You are a beginner and want to get started with a yoga practice that is right for you.
  • You are experience but want to deepen your practice or focus on a specific asana.
  • You are interested in building a home practice but are unsure of where to start.
  • You are highly stressed or live and work in a fast-paced environment and need some time for relaxation and breathwork.

online nutritional-coaching

Are you ready to get the support you need to take small and sustainable steps towards a healthier lifestyle?

Learn to approach your and your families nutrition goals and maintain healthy habits through a nutrition coaching plan. During your initial consultation we will discuss your goals, your current food choices and lifestyle to determine the best way to get healthy food into your diet. Through our meal plans, designed just for you, you will learn about quality ingredients and proper portions for your needs.

Is Nutrition Coaching right for you?

... Are you hitting your workouts hard but still not quite reaching your fitness goals?

... Have you made the decision that NOW is the time to get fit but are unsure about how to get started?

... Do you fall into the trap of stress-eating, yo-yo dieting, or just not having enough time to eat healthily due to your busy schedule?

... Are you interested in improving your health by ensuring that you are getting all the proper nutrients, vitamins, minerals you need?

If you answered YES to any of these questions then Nutrition Coaching is right for you! 

Whether you are vegetarian, diabetic, overweight, looking to gain muscle, need increased energy, feed your family more healthy meals or just want to eat healthy we find the perfect solution for you!